
winterbird releases new single ,’Illinois’ – Reignland

Canadian one women band, Winterbird is back with a new single, ‘Illinois’. This is the fourth track off of her debut EP, ‘Requiem’, that was released this month. The beautiful track has such a cinematic feel to it with the gorgeous melody and angelic vocals. Listening to it, really makes you almost feel like you are in a dream. It sounds so lush and velvety.

She explains, “This little mini-record is made up of six original songs, written over the last few years and recorded slowly and gently through yet another strange, silent winter. I made the EP in a little home studio with a local independent musician and sound engineer, Brandon Patitucci.”

She continued, “We recorded the whole thing live off the floor — no click-tracks, no punching in or splicing together takes. I wanted these songs to have a real, human heartbeat, and all the rawness of experiencing them in person. This meant surrendering and just trusting the music to unfold the way it wanted to. It involved a lot of stillness, a lot of patience, and a lot of tea. What came out of this process is a very honest, simple little sound portrait — one that I hope will be the first of many more to come.” Be sure to leave your feedback below.

Get the track: spotify.com

Connect: https://www.instagram.com/lindseygaia/