
White Noise Cinema released an eye-opening new track called “Unpersons” – Reignland

White Noise Cinema has released an eye-opening new track called “Unpersons”

What are the lyrics about, in particular the religious connotation of “My God is bigger than your God”?

Benj: That’s just another way people distance themselves. “My thing is better than your thing” or “my beliefs trump your beliefs”. It’s not an obliquely anti-religious song, although I don’t care much for organised religion. Like all of our songs, you can find your own meaning in the lyrics, but generally speaking it’s about the idea that the world is moving into a direction where we’re retreating into our own separate corners. Nationalism is beating out globalism and I think that’s a terrifying prospect. That can only end in division and hate, it’s like a recession we’re sinking into as a species. We’re going to end up as nothing people, just singular islands. Unpersons.

I found this wonderful track to speak so many truths to me it was almost scary! The music is fantastic! Loved the loud vocals as they were rich in great lyrics that made so much sense. The video really gave the song so much more clarity so you got more out of it. Great job! Be sure to listen to the track above and add your feedback below. Add this to your playlist.