
Couchsleepers releases a brand new track called “Sweet Dreams” – Reignland

VT-based indie rock band Couchsleepers has released a Brand new track called “Sweet Dreams” The soft bass at the beginning grabs my emotions and then the louder the vocals the more I want to hear. The keyboard plays softly the vibe that lays you down to think or daydream. I liked the song.

Couchsleepers is the musical project of Harrison Hsiang. The band’s bio describes it succinctly as “folk storytelling that tastes like an indie rock; a soundtrack for the restless nights.” Despite having been formed only in August of 2019, the band has already racked up a precocious resume. Following the release of Only When It’s Dark, the band will once again embark on tour, completing their run by teaming up with record label Leesta Vall to release a limited run of one-of-a-kind performances, tracked directly to vinyl at the Leesta Vall studio in Brooklyn.

Be sure to check it out above and leave your feedback below.

Get the track: spotify.com

Connect: https://www.facebook.com/couchsleepers