
Catie Trainor speaks out against sexual assault on women in new empowering single, ‘Riddle Me This’ – Reignland

Singer/songwriter, Catie Trainor speaks out on a really tough subject in her new single, ‘Riddle Me This’. This LA inspired spoken word is infused with indie pop and rock. It’s a new way of expression in pop music that we need more of. Slam poetry should be brought to light more in music. The lyrics are empowering and honest with a hint of boldness. The production offers an airy, upbeat vibe that makes you feel welcomed enough to speak your own truth.

Speaking on the track, she says, “I speak out against the sexual assault on women, and I encourage other women to find their voices and take the power back over their lives and to ultimately, find healing and strength. I believe this song can touch lives and hearts if given a platform to reach it’s fullest potential.”.

Her style of music is inspired by the LA slam poetry scene that helped her get through her situation. “Slam poetry has given me a platform to express my painful emotions in a way that does not make me a victim. It has given me the chance to take my pain and turn it into something beautiful, which gives me the power back over my life and away from the experiences that otherwise made me feel powerless. Performance poetry has been such a gift to my soul, and I want to make others feel the way I did when I first heard a performance that touched me deeply. My goal is to create a safe space for listeners in which no topic is off-limits.”

I am happy to hear her story and watch an artist take her pain and turn into something that can inspire others. Everyone has a story and I love anyone that chooses to tell it and beat those negative thoughts that tell them they shouldn’t. Standing in your truth is one of the hardest things and bravest things to do. Thank you Catie for standing in yours. Be sure to add your words below and let her know how you feel about her single.


deezer.com, spotify.com, apple.com