B’Elle gets you up out your seat with debut, “El Mundo Baila” – Reignland
B’ELLE has released a high energy dance type track called “El Mundo Baila” ‘El Mundo Baila’ which translates to English as ‘The World Dances’. Anyone want to dance?! Plenty of great music right here! Awesome beats and vocals! Powerful instruments and background vocals. You can use this for a workout it’s so full of energy!
According to the press release, Isabelle Horen (a.k.a B’Elle) imagined the song to life with talented Spanish Producer Julio Navas. With a collection of evenings reminiscing about the White Isle (Ibiza) and speaking of their passions for House Music and its culture, ‘El Mundo Baila’ was born. She servers as a glimmer of hope with some feel good music that addictive from start to finish. Just check it out above and please share your thoughts below. Add this to your playlist today.
Get the track: apple.com, youtube.com, deezer.com