
Bara Karin has released an empowering track called “Male Gaze” – Reignland

Bara Karin has released a strong and empowering track called “Male Gaze” The music is great and the vocals are super great, I really like the storyline the most. It’s really a good song.

On “I changed my voice for you” she blames society and popular culture för her obsession with men. This time, she blames herself for having changed whatever a guy expect her to change, most of all, her appearance. Symbolically, she’s using makeup brushes and wax-stripes for percussion. With synths from the 80s together with reverb filled whistling, Bara Karin takes you out in space.

Male Gaze is a part of Bara Karin’s 4 track debut EP – “I changed my voice for you”. It is set to be released next Friday, Jan 31st.

Be sure to check out the track above and leave your feedback below.

Male Gaze on spotify: open.spotify.com/track/3393qMXmMIDapIMBtrcmGf
The EP on spotify: open.spotify.com/album/6JoTEof8IMxfje1EEc2v7p