Skippy gets you in the holiday season with ‘First Snow in November’ – Reignland
Skippy is back to get you in the holiday season with ‘First Snow in November’ This reminiscent Christmas tune has a jazzy vibe and an unforgettable hook.
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“Skippy” isn’t so much a stage name or persona as it is a way of life for me. I do my best to be happy-go-lucky. I try not to get too bogged down by the work-a-day world and stressful trips to the grocery store, and music helps me cope. Since moving from Detroit, MI to Phoenix, AZ almost half my life ago, I’ve learned more into the music and genuine friendships and family, and I really just want to share the things I learned along the way with you. I hope you take a part of my music and hold it close as you find your own way to relate to it. I hope it moves you, and should the unfortunate day come along when you need it, I hope it helps you cope with the gravity that life can sometimes lay down on us.
My EP “Enough” will be dropping in February 2020, and it is all about my struggle towards self-love, and I mean it was a STRUGGLE. Just ask my friends.