
VALNTNA has released a soulful track called “CCW ( Confidently Constantly Wrong )” – Reignland

VALNTNA has released a soulful track called “CCW (Confidently Constantly Wrong)” It’s a beautiful song with from the voice of an angel! The lyrics are wonderful and deep with truth. I liked the sultry sexy music and the background harmony. I would keep this one on repeat. Be sure to listen to this track above and leave your feedback below, you will want to add this to your playlist.

Singer/songwriter ‘VALNTNA’ returns with the cinematic sounds with her latest single ‘ CCW’ Written by PINKMAYNE & Produced by 87 the dynamic award winning duo ‘ P1NK87’.

CCW abbreviation for ‘ Confidently Constantly Wrong ‘ is based around the effect of how not knowing love can affect how you love..

VALNTNA takes you through a journey of a relationship broken through one of the biggest issues in society today ‘Trust in relationships’.